In accordance with Part IV of the Standing Order Establishing A+, A, and B Panels for Civil Appointments in the San Antonio Division and Supplementing Amended Plan for Reimbursement of Counsel (W.D. Tex. Apr. 1, 2021), all attorneys in private practice admitted in the San Antonio Division will be placed on one of three panels for pro bono appointment in civil cases. As indicated by the Order, placement depends on each attorney’s experience, expertise, and interest in handling pro bono matters.
This page allows you to self-select the panel option that is right for you, and to provide information about your background and preferences. Note, however, that the Court may change the panel selection and preferences of any attorney as it deems appropriate. You can access this page from the Attorney Welcome Screen in ECF through the link “Update your Civil Pro Bono Panel and Practice Areas,” or at menu option: Utilities/Miscellaneous/Pro Bono Panel.
The self-selection process has two steps:
- First, select the panel option below that is appropriate for you. Each panel option is briefly described below. (The full description of each panel option is set out in Part III of the Order).
- Second, select all practice areas you are qualified in experience, background, or expertise to handle pro se civil cases.
These settings may be modified at any time on this page.
(Note that the registration requirements in the Order apply only to those attorneys who were admitted to the bar of the Western District of Texas based on an application submitted to San Antonio Divisional Committee on Admissions. See W.D. Tex. R. AT-1(c), (d). Attorneys employed by federal, state, or local government entities are excluded from the registration requirement.)