On behalf of Chief Judge Orlando Garcia and the judges of the Western District of Texas, the Civil Rules contained in the LOCAL COURT RULES OF THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS, have been revised by a committee which was chaired by United States District Judge Philip Martinez and United States District Judge Lee Yeakel. Also participating were United States Magistrate Judge Elizabeth Chestney and members of the bar from each of the seven divisions of the district. The judges have reviewed the proposed changes and unanimously adopted them. The process now requires review by members of the Western District of Texas bar. Please review and submit any comment and/or proposed suggested amendment/change to the rules to (TXWD-LocalRules@txwd.uscourts.gov) no later than Monday, February 22, 2021. Attachments: LOCAL COURT CIVIL RULES with Proposed Amendments and LOCAL COURT CIVIL RULES with Proposed Amendments-Redlined Version.
United States District Court
Western District of Texas
Executive Office of the Clerk
262 West Nueva Street
Suite 3-260
San Antonio, Texas 78207
Tel: (210) 472-4955
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